Saturday, August 16, 2008

The job, the kids and the hubby

I love my job! I am so blessed to have a passion for what I am paid to do. There is a position open for a supervisor position at my company. I just received a promotion in March and now this position is available. It would mean much more stress, hours and pay! I spent three weeks in prayer, more prayer and then silence. Supporting three boys by myself is no small task and the extra money would be nice, but the stress and hours outweigh the pay. The deciding factor for the decision was Bill and the boys. I had several meeting with my bosses boss and other's who would be affected by my decision. I was leaning heavily toward taking the position, thinking that by the time Bill was released I could have a good grasp on the position and would be able to scale back on the hours. Two weeks ago I told my boss that on Friday I would have a decision on the position. On that Thursday night Bill called to say that he received paperwork to go back in front of the parole board. So, there it was... God telling me where I was needed. I decided not to put in for the position. To be continued....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you do not take care of yourself first how will you be bale to take care of other.

If this is going to affect you mental or physical health then it is ot owrth it.

10:06 PM  
Blogger Danielle said...

Sarah - I just said a short prayer for you, Bill and the kids. May God keep you safe!

For me, it is really tough to say no to $$ - especially when it is needed (!) You have shown your great faith in God!!

11:27 AM  

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