He chose me
Just my ramblings this morning:
Starting 2008 I have reflected. Reflected on where I am and where I was.
I am a long way from where I want to be and yet I am so much farther than where I was. I praise God that He chose me. I praise Him for putting the people in my life to lead me to the knowledge that He wants a relationship with ME!
The responsibility of our relationship sometimes finds it's way to the back burner. I sometimes forget that my testimony and my walk is ALWAYS being watched. My every action, word, thought and step is being seen. Not just by God, by my children, their friends, my friends, my co-workers, family and by people I sometimes don't realize are watching. I should know, I am a people watcher! What message am I sending to the people watchers who see me? I may never know, God will~
I can be playful, harsh, thoughtless, silly, uncompassionate and worldly. On the other hand I can be serious, loving, thoughtful, selfless and sympathetic. My prayer is that my testimony and walk touches many, many that I know and many who I will never meet on earth.
He chose me! He chose me to see the supernatural. Sometimes when we go through trials and tribulations we want to know why we have to endure hard times. I pray that I never lose sight of the fact that on the other side of trials are the celebrations and the fact that through the trials are the eyes of watchers who see God's hands at work through me, my actions and my words. Every day I fall short of the grace of God. Every day I get up and put my best foot forward to spread His love, His joy and His grace. He chose me and He chose you! I am thankful that His timing is perfect, He knew that I could not have endured the events that have happened in my life without His hand in the mix.
True intimacy with God always breeds humility! I pray for 2008 that I come to Him honest and bare hearted!
I Peter 4:19 KJV
19 Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.
My favorite things to rememeber is:
If we had all the answers then there would be need for God.
The middle is the time for the most faith.
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