Thursday, May 18, 2006


I continue to have nightmares about my husband's addiction and the fact is in all the dreams I am pleading with him to stop the drug use. This was not uncommon during the past few years and neither was his abuse to get the money to do the drugs. I just want the dreams to stop. I don't sleep well anyway, and then to have these dreams when I do sleep. Arrrggghhhh, makes for a grouchy mama bear. So now my partner in crime (we both work on the GameStop account) Alan always tells people "Don't poke the bear" in the morning. Ha Ha. He thinks that he is so funny. He actually is a really good guy.
So I have prayed, and will continue to pray until these nightmares stop. My sister-in-law says that it is my mind working out the trauma becasue I am too busy to stop and deal with all that has happened. Maybe it is just that I don't want to. Not sure, either way, I am tired and just want some sleep.


Blogger Loner said...

I think she is right about things working their way out. Two suggestions: one, take 25mg of Benadryl - it may be all you need to get to sleep faster - try it for a week and see if it helps get your cycle back. Second, try praying to fall asleep - I do the rosary, but some kind of repetition - even a series of bible verses, might help. Before you go to bed, turn your troubles over to God - He'll be up all night anyway!

12:05 PM  
Blogger Danielle said...

This sounds like agony! Stress is such a sleep killer and our subconscious does take it's toll. I sympathize with're going through so much. Stay strong, girl.

When I was going through a tough time, I rented these weird foriegn films. I mean...strange ones...many from Iran and Korea.

I would watch, like 45 minutes a night and I kept them coming. Then, my brain would take on these films and I would begin to dream about them...process them in my sleep.

Oh...and I threw in a little British Comedy. Seriously...try Monty Python.

It's drug free!!!

9:41 PM  
Blogger Bar L. said...

Both this are good suggestions. I know what lack of sleep is like, I'll pray for you when I can't sleep. The dreams....well it sounds like a natural reaction to what's going on. My only words of "advice" are to be kind and gentle to yourself, ok? You have a lot on your plate, so give yourself some grace and ask for help when you need it. HOpe that makes sense.

10:10 PM  
Blogger Tom said...

Man, that is a bummer being plaqued with such dreams! I like what your friends have said in the comments. Your wounds are still pretty fresh and you will always have a scar, but I imagine with time, it will get better. The benedryl thing really works too, but don't take too much because it will knock you out! I take dramamine instead, its easier to wake up from. Take good care.

1:13 PM  
Blogger Gigi said...

You will be among the walking it's figuring out how to walk again......

The dreams are maybe confirming to you that you have done all you could save for praying for the man....maybe they are in a way freeing you...???

Try maybe getting a routine for bedtime...... a cuppa herbal tea and ....whatever comforts you....

Me Romans 8:26 prayers I b and thanks for the advice at my blog..funny thing I been hearing that alot!!

2:17 PM  

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