Thursday, April 06, 2006

What are you thankful for?

Today, instead of blogging about my drama, I am going to tell you what I am thankful for and blessed to have.

  1. First, my Lord and Savior and the sacrifice he made for me.
  2. My three boys, Tyler, Blake, and Dalton.
  3. Family, including my sisters in Christ who pray for me diligently. (Thank you)
  4. My church and a wonderful Pastor and deacons and their wives and families.
  5. Outside and the freedom to see it. I love the outdoors (especially in Spring and Fall).
  6. Softball (I play on the church league), it keeps my mind busy and body exercised.
  7. Chicken and broccoli with rice. My lunch (good for the diet and easy to make).
  8. Bloggers, I have found so much encouragement and uplifting from this free site.
  9. My animals, Smores (the fat cat) and Nikita (the lap dog, Rotweiller).
  10. My job, that the Lord has graciously provided.
  11. The little things that I sometimes overlook, and am now trying to pay more attention to.
  12. There are just too many things to list.


Blogger Gigi said... attitude of gratitude in the midst of everything ...there is no 'what ifs' about you today...maybe that's what it is a day at a time....nahhhh that's too simple....praying for you b

12:44 PM  
Blogger Bar L. said...

Love this list, need to make one myself. Its encouraging to see you write this knowing you are going through a rough time.

6:15 PM  
Blogger Loner said...

This is the most powerful tool to raise babies yourself. I am totally against divorce - except when there is no other choice to protect your kids. Keep finding things to be greatful for - and you'll do fine!

7:24 AM  

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