Monday, May 22, 2006

Why be embarrassed to shed a tear?

I have to say that I belong to a great church, and a great Sunday school class. It is called Women of the Word, or WOW. It is women from our church, about 10 actually, all different ages and all different experiences, with one thing in common, their love for the Lord. Our teacher, Pat, is wonderful and thoughtful, and God-fearing. She is going with her husband for the summer to their lake home and will not be teaching our class until the fall. I was emotional about this. If there is one thing I am, it's structured. I love routine. Even with the boys and all of the craziness from our schedules, I love routine. Every Sunday, I get up go to church, drop the boys off at their classes and settle in my same ol' chair next to Pat every week. Over the course of the past year and a half I have missed 3 Sunday's, and hated it. So the Lord continues to teach, without Pat. She and I are having lunch today so I can talk to her. She has been where I am, and survived with a faith and love for the Lord that I pray for. So her counsel I seek, knowing that it will be God'd word that she will give.
So emotional I leave class and head to the auditorium for service, the message was powerful, truthful, humbling and convicting. I cried. Trying to wipe the tears before anyone could see them. Why? Does not matter what other's think, God knows my heart. So I cried, and cried some more. Glad that God was there, holding my hand, wanting to hold my hand in His and comfort.
The message yesterday was great, it was about being poor in spirit, I will post it later.

Thanks for all who read, comment and pray. I am blessed to witness and to be witnessed to by followers of Christ.


Blogger Bar L. said...

Pat sounds like a special lady. Hey your post brings a question to my mind....while you were sitting in church crying, how would you have felt if someone came and sat next to you and patted your knee...or did something to show comfort?

3:50 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Actually, my niece was sitting there comforting me, she is such a blessing.... I forget sometimes that it is ok to be moved to tears by the Spirit.

9:03 AM  

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