Tuesday, January 23, 2007

New Niece

Ok, so I am a little late posting this. I have a new niece. My only birth niece, but she is just adorable.

Her name is Daryan ~

Monday, January 08, 2007


I have done much praying about the past year. Asking God to keep me on the right path, His path, the narrow way. In thinking of the past year I have reflected on my many discoveries, heartaches, celebrations, and victories.
I try to focus on the celebrations and victories. Over the last two months it is the heartaches that are on the fore-front of my mind every day. I have a few close male friends and family members. Over the last few months all but one have been told by their wives that their marriage was over. Just like that, over, the love gone. How? Why? When? Who? I realize that all of them are non-believers, all. All of them watching me walk with Christ, every day. All of them have been witnessed to, by me, being told by me that I do not take care of things, God does. All of them over the years have watched my walk, my devotion, and my unconditional love for my husband, despite years of abuse, mistreatment, and control by a man who claims to LOVE me. And now I watch as their heart breaks and their world cracks apart, because they don't have a relationship with the Lord. Why is it that their pain hurts me more than the loss of a marriage to a man that I still love, will always love, and have loved for years?
Danielle, http://unfailinglovemusings.blogspot.com/ has hit the nail on the head, time and time again, putting into words what my heart is feeling, yet my brain can not express.
Lord, I surrender my heart,mind, eyes, and ears to You.
Quiet my lips Lord, let me speak Your words,
Guide me feet Lord, let me walk Your path,
Open my heart Lord, so I may shine of Your light,
and most of all Lord, help me to LOVE, unconditionally, without caution.
John 13:
5 After that he poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded.

13 Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am.
14 If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's.

Lord, please bathe me, wash me, cleanse me, so I may be rested and go into the world and bathe, wash and cleanse others in Your name.