Wednesday, May 16, 2007

More on the latest....

I went to the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago with Blake's class on Friday. Yep, that is right, I took my first vacation day since I have been at my job. That is almost two years and we had a blast. Here is our picture as we are getting ready to leave the school.

And here is goofy pants with a mask on. Yeah, my kid wore pajamas to the zoo, Lucky Charms pajamas, I am so proud.

Not my favorite animal, but the colors are so beautiful that I couldn't help to post this picture. My camera does such a wonderful job of enhancing colors sometimes.... best purchase I have made in years.

This was and will always be my favorite exhibit. I absolutely love monkeys, any monkey, I do not discriminate. I love them all. I bet I took 50 pictures of them. This little guy was swinging around putting on quite a show until papa settled him down. ADORABLE!!!

Here is a concrete monkey carved like Sampson, who was the dominate male at this zoo for years. Blake took the picture... kinda blurry....

And this is what the kids got me for Mother's Day. Because they hate my black sunglasses and make fun of me for getting a sun burn when I am only in the sun for 15 minutes..... I got a new hat, sunglasses and..... oh my favorite.... Tim McGraw's favorites CD. My kiddies really know how to make my heart melt.

Baseball season has started and I am a happy mom.
On a sad note, please pray for my friend Nancy who is battling cancer, she is in the hospital with a blood infection and a blood clot. They did surgery yesterday to remove her port which has caused the infection. I believe they are getting her comfortable enough to send her home... Many, many prayers have been said, I appreciate all of them.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I know, I know, Bad Blogger

Aunt Becky asked what I have been up to.....

Planned a benefit dinner for my friend who has an uncurable cancer.... it was a success... we raised over $6,000. That took up all of April, with meetings about every three days and running for preparation in between. Oh and of course working 60 hours a week. And three or five kids mixed in there. And lets not forget about the fact that cooking and cleaning are a necessity and in the mix of all of that, I try to sleep for about 4 hours a night. It exhausts me just to think of it all.

But here are some fun pictures from over the weekend. I finally went and bought the boys some new fishing poles. Dalton caught his first fish and jumped up and down screaming when he realized he had a fish on the line. It was one of those moments that makes a parents heart flutter.

I managed to teach Tyler how to take his fish off the hook, he even managed to hook a goose. That's right, my kid.... He was fishing and cast the line and a goose flew right into it. Ripping all the line out of his pole and almost jerking the pole out of his hands. Since he just got the new pole the goose was not going to win that easy. How funny.

Hopefully I will start having more time to keep everyone up to date on life in general, but I am purposefully keeping some things under wraps, but I have attached a sneek peek. I will talk more about him later. And no, you don't get any better of a look. Nice try.