So, let recap, last Friday was my birthday. Every year I get all excited about my birthday and get my feelings hurt when no one (husband) does anything special for me on MY day. I always say that it is no big deal, but when I get nothing, well quite frankly, it turns to heart ache.
Well guess what, this year, with hubby in jail, I expected nothing for my birthday, nothing. I had the best birthday that I have had in years. The top picture is a dreadful birthday girl, pre-makeup of course.

The next two pictures are of two of the four (that is right, I got FOUR cakes on my birthday) cakes that I got on my day. The white one is a marble cake from Holly and was yummy. Holly is so cool, she made me feel so special on my day, I can not thank her enough.

And the chocolate one is from Bob at work and it is called "Death by Chocolate", and was awesome. Bob is the head designer at my work and he is a super cool and sweet man, who's gesture of a cake warmed my heart.

And this is a picture of Blake wearing my new hat and watch that I got with a gift certificate from Mike and Jen. Isn't he just too cute and such a show off like his mommy.

I was taken out to lunch by Tom, Patti, and Alan to a great Italian (my fav) restaurant, and they bought me another cake, that was white and had strawberry filling in it, again, very yummy.
I got cards, balloons, and precious Holly got me a gift card to Meijer. I got home to find another cake, homeade, from my niece Betsy.
I learned this year, I do get a special day, I think everyone should, I know I needed that pat on the back!